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Senin, 22 November 2010

Introduction to Communication Studies



This model is the most basic communication model of all models of communication, in other words can also say a stimulus-response relationship.
This model can also be said as a reciprocal relationship or respond to what the opposite word to say. These relationships can be in the form of nonverbal cues, pictures, or physical contact and measures that can stimulate a person to respond. For example if someone is calling your name, waving his hand to you, you will respond with a greeting and waving your hands on the person. It is an S-R communication. Or is there someone who pats your shoulder while you are greeted with the word "hi", you also will respond with the word "hi", it also has a model example komuikasi SR. In other words, something will get a reply in the form of a reflex response / not accidentally or intentionally. Summary of communication is something that is considered static, which regards human beings always behave because of the strength or desire from the outside (stimulus), not by the desire or will.

MODEL Shannon and Weaver

This model is the model that has the strongest influence of models and theories of communication.
This model is in pointed out by Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver in 1949. Shannon and Weaver model is further highlighted the problem of delivery of messages based on their deliberations. This model shows that a source to create a message and deliver it through a channel to the recipient that re-create / review the message. In other words, this model means that the source of information resulted in a message to convey the message that the possible set. Transmitter (transmitter) to change the message into a signal corresponding to a channel that will be used, then the channel (channel) sends a signal to the receiver (receiver). In a conversation, which is the source of information is the brain. Then the recipient (receiver) that is hearing mechanism to reconstruct the message from the signal.The target (destination) is the brains of people who were targeted message. An important thing in this model is the interference (noise), the disorder can be in any form, such as static interference or a phone call, frenetic music or other sounds that are not in the expected and disturbing. Other disorders can also be in the form of psychological disorder that comes from within oneself, such as daydreaming or emotionally unstable.

Another concept which is the share of Shannon and Weaver is the entropy (entropy) and redundancy (redundancy) and that the necessary balance between them to obtain an efficient communication.
This model can also be applied in other communication contexts such as public communication and mass communication. However, this model also provides a partial description of a process of communication.


This model was found in 1960 by David K.
Berlo. This model is better known as the SMCR model, which stands for Source (the source), Message (the message), Channel (channel) and receiver (receiver). Berlo explains well, the source is the party that creates a message in any form. Message is a translation would be something either in the form of language or gesture. A funnel is a track that became an intermediary / liaison between the source and the receiver in other words the path that carries the message.Then the recipient is the party that became the object aatau communication purposes. In this model also introduces the term Berlo coding (encoder) and the coding behind (decoder) in the communication process. Encoder serves as show the intent of the source of the message you want to be given to the recipient. In a situation of direct communication or face to face, the encryption function is done via voice or anything that may be made in the source and result in verbal and nonverbal messages. In addition, penerimapun requires encoding that can translate messages in the receipt. -Coding behind it is the recipient of sensory skills.

In the situation face to face in a group / speech, communication channel is that channel the air and deliver sound waves to the audience.
In mass communication, there are many channels such as television, radio, newspapers, books, magazines and others. In this model, Berlo also explained that there are several personal factors that can affect the communication process such as communication skills, knowledge, social systems, and environmental sources and recipients. Then the message will convey will be developed first based on some elements of the content, structure, treatment and codes. Channel itself comes from the five senses that there are particular sense of hearing. One of the advantages of the Berlo model is the model is not the limit on public communication and mass communication, but also inter-personal communication and various forms of written communication. This Berlo model is heurustik or stimulate research. For example, suppose you play as a speaker in a small group or the general public maybe you feel that your social status can affect your recipient.

When compared with the model of Shannon and Weaver, there are clear differences in definition of the receiver or receivers.
In the Berlo model, the receiver is the recipient of the message, ie the people or audience of readers, listeners, viewers. While in Shannon and Weaver model, the receiver decoder is identical to the auditory mechanism in a direct communication, or a set of message recipients, such as telephone, radio, and others who deliver messages from source to target in indirect communication.


This model is a model of expansion of the models that already exist, especially Shannon and Weaver model, by adding the mass media (mass media device) and device feedback (feedback devices).
DeFleur According to the source (source), transmitter (transmitter), receiver (receiver), and the target (destination) are as separate phases of mass communication. For example when someone speaks, he will choose the words that express meaning and denotative and connotative meanings are formulated into a message and then say it verbally or write it in such a way that it turned into something that can be heard or viewed which can interpret as a stimulus by the general public.

Receiver functions in this model is to receive and encode information through a physical information into a message.
In a conversation ririskiky directly or face to face, the receiver is more likely to hearing people who receive the vibration of air and turn it into a neural stimulus, so it can turn into a verbal symbol that can be in the know. According DeFleur, communication is not a transfer of a meaning but communication is through a set of operating components in a theoretical system, which consequently is isomorfisme between internal response (meaning) of a particular set of symbols on the sender and receiver.

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