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Senin, 27 Desember 2010

What is a Feature?

Wahyu Wibowo said that certain restrictions on the features is difficult.According to Daniel R. Williamson (1983), for example, features like the swish of wind through the trees. That is, each person is easy to feel it, taste it but it is difficult to formulate into words. There is also a definition which says that the feature is the writing in the mass media that is more free and compiled by relying on individual style.

To not linger in confusion to see a definite limit feature, it helps us see the definition of a feature that is put forward by the Education Bureau of Tempo Weekly News Magazine (1979) the following:

" The story is an article which feature creative, sometimes subjective, which is primarily intended to make fun and inform readers about an event, condition or aspect of life "

When viewed globally the distribution of posts, then the features included in the types of nonfiction writing, of the facts presented in a live, creative, sometimes with a touch of subjectivity of the author with an emphasis on human interest aspects of the allure. The goal is to: inform, entertain, educate, and convince the reader. It can be concluded that the features move between facts and literature. Or in other languages, gathering facts withstyleliterature.

In accordance with restrictions that made the magazine Tempo above can be concluded that the feature has the following characteristics:

1. Creative: allows the author of "create" a story (with the technique of story), but not a fictional story

2. Subjectif: with the use of model I, allows the author to enter the emotions and thoughts.

3. Informative: Feature indeed sometimes do not have news value. He tends to give precisely the value of information about the situation / aspects of life

4. Entertaining: Material feature deliberately sought from the exclusive story and written in depth (depth),including aspects of the humor that accompanies it

5. Long-lasting: the news can be stale in 24 hours, but the feature will never stale.

Feature Types

a. Feature News

That is a feature that contain more story elements, and is associated with actual events that attract attention of audiences. This feature typically is a development and deepening (News Analysis) of a Straight News or issue that remains a public concern.

b. Feature Opinion

Featured even this type is usually related directly or indirectly with issues that are still current about an event, an idea / ideas, or a statement (statement) important people, and others. It could also fall into this type of article is about the development of science and technology, the phenomenon of social life-economic, political, cultural, kesusteraan, and others.

c. Feature Human Interest

Namely that the charge Featured content directly to touch the reader a sense of humanity, such as joy, irritation, even resentment. An example is the feature of street children inJakarta, Sexual deviation behavior among adolescents, the spread of drug peyalahgunaan behavior, and the like.

d. Feature Profile of People (biography)

This feature tells the story of the appearance (profile) and a brief biography of the characters is particularly interesting to read. Examples of this type feature for example is writing about a character who just died (In Memoriam)

e. Feature Travel / Adventure

This feature is usually written by the traveler or adventure directly or indirectly. This paper reveals the story of the trip report, the facts found, and the impressions experienced during the trip. In this kind of feature, subjectivity is very striking writers with standpoint "I" or "us".

f. Feature History

This feature tells the story of the historical facts and figures of the past events in a region or place. example of the events of the proclamation of independence of Indonesia, the guardians of Islamic proselytizing strategy songo on the island of Java, and others. A good historical feature, is able to bring readers into the past. As readers go into the historical events he had read.

g. Feature Tips

This feature is known also with information how to do it. For example, about fashion, how to create and sew, about food recipes, flower arranging, crafts, maintain and operate the camera, and the like.

Feature Writing Technique

If in news writing is the preferred arrangement the facts, then in the feature writing techniques we can use''tells a story.'' Indeed that is the key difference between''hard news''(spot news) and features. Feature writer is essentially a story.

The author paints pictures with words: he turned the reader's imagination, he draws readers into the story for it to help him identify with the main character.

Somewhat different from the straightforward news (Straight News), the structure of writing feature does not always use the inverted pyramid''method''that is with the composition of the writing that puts basic information at the top, and the information that is not so important at the bottom, structure of the writing features not so raw. So it depends on type of feature it.

But in general, in writing a feature on the media massprint-which is always constrained deadlines / deadlines and limited space-pages then form the inverted pyramid is still being used. It's just that there is an additional form ofending containing a summary or conclusion of the entire contents of the feature.

Basic Requirements Writing Feature

1. penguasaaan Indonesian language properly and correctly

2. Knowing a broad knowledge of the human soul

3. It has a wide general knowledge

4. Have a mature outlook towards ethics and culture of their own community

5. has a sharpness of mind to look at social issues


I want to say, that knowledge of the types of writing such as feature articles, columns, essays, etc. is just moonshinewithout writing a concrete activity. More ironic when naming-naming it even makes reluctant and confused to move and start writing. Honestly, I agree what the Many diagnostic writer: "Ga have too think about the type of writing deh, an important let's start writing. Whatever type of writing." From there, its characteristics will be found in nature writing. Write write real pleasures of the world lies in the ability to participate contribute in this world, not merely able to enjoy writing with a sort of-kind. Finally, Good work. Allaah a `lam shawab bus.

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